PT Servo Lintas Raya (SLR) held a customer gathering at Issei Restaurant, Elysée Building SCBD, South Jakarta, Tuesday (19/7/2022)
The event, which had been delayed for 2 years, was finally able to run smoothly and successfully. The event was opened by Mr. Suryo Suwignjo as COO of Titan Infra Energy Group, in his speech he introduced the new President Director of PT Titan Infra Energy Mr. Darwan Siregar, on this occasion Mr. Suryo also expressed his gratitude for the support of all customers during difficult conditions Titan was able to survive. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely hit the business world, including the coal mining sector.
This Customer Gathering activity aims to give appreciation to all SLR Logistics Mining Service customers for their loyalty in using SLR services on an ongoing basis. This activity was attended by 24 invited guests from 12 SLR partner companies and the management of the Titan Group.
In addition, the Customer Gathering was held to improve and maintain relationships with all SLR Logistics service customers. All invited guests and the SLR team can interact informally, thus creating an emotional bond that can affect business communication patterns and customer loyalty to SLR Logistics.
“We hope that this Customer Gathering event will be held regularly every year as a form of consistency for SLR Logistics in an effort to provide maximum service to the company and all partners,” said Mr. Suryo.
The event closed with dinner together.